Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Guessing Game

Hello all!  This week we wanted to introduce you to one of the major bonuses about living where we do - the fresh fruits and vegetables here!  We'd like to make this into a game of sorts.  The caption below the picture lists all the fruits and veggies that we bought last week - what do you think all of this healthy deliciousness cost us?  Please leave a comment if you care to venture a guess.  If any of you would like to do a US - DR comparison and pick up an identical grocercy list in the US, that would be neat to see, too!  Happy guessing :)

2 red bell peppers, 2 head of garlic, 1 red onion, 2 mangoes, 1 cucumber, 1 zuchhini,
1 small eggplant, 2 large tomatoes, 3 bananas, and a bunch of cilantro. 
 Have a great week and be blessed!  SDG


  1. I bet it's easy to eat "Paleo" where you are! Lots of love to you two :)
    -Liz & Spence

  2. Thanks Liz! Hope you and Spencer are well.

  3. We've got some guesses!

    Michael and Sara Barnes - $3
    Dan Mulder - $4.25
    Mary Mulder - $2.10
    Cheryl Rauschnot - $.50

    Keep 'em coming!

  4. Alright, we've left you waiting long enough! Thanks to all of those who participated in our little guessing game.

    While fresh fruits and vegetables are certainly much cheaper here, they apparently are a bit more than most of you thought. The total for all of those items was 170 pesos, or $4.45.

    We're not exactly sure what this would cost in the US, but I'm sure that for two mangoes you'd be looking at at least $3.....

  5. Joe. You are the most proficient person at produce pricing that I have ever met. How's that for alliteration? Please send me some Guac's.
